Friday, January 30, 2009

I will take three...

It was a good discussion in class about the advertising world. I took some classes that have helped me understand the underlying meanings in advertising. What they do, use, portray, can get us off the couch and into stores purchasing products. I mean seriously millions of dollars for a 30 second clip during the super bowl game. It makes me wonder how many consumers it would take to drink 2 million dollars of coke or whatever the product is. Are we that heavily influenced? Well unfortunately yes. So many times I have watched good products go away. Just because there is a really good product it does not mean it is going to sell itself. There is a purpose for advertising it creates feelings and expectations when buying products. It is interesting to me concepts such as satellite radio. People are willing to spend a lot of money on something that is virtually free just so they can avoid advertisements. My husband and I purchased this XM Radio and we were shocked to find they had commercials in it. Yes there were far less than the typical radio stations but we paid for this to avoid commercials! I was very disappointed as a consumer. It is a tricky game that they play. They do not have enough commercials for us to turn the product down or stop making payments on it but it does make me cringe every time I hear one. It makes me wonder in some of the magazines I purchase if they took out the advertising would it be empty? A mere 5-10 pages of information with a couple pictures that relate to the stories. I would be curious to find out what percentage of magazines is advertising. Advertising and marketing can really influence the minds of its consumers. We need to be careful the products and things we are paying for.


*StEpHaNiE* said...

Yeah let me tell ya, some of those commercials during the super bowl were hilarious! I think it is interesting how the world of media has to try to hard to impress us, so we will buy their product. Just like we talked about in class, we will buy a product becasue we remember the stupid commercial. The media has taken advertising to a whole new level!

ASUMIN said...

I agree and your topic is totally collect I think!! in my feature, I want to be a broadcaster so, I rearched the relationnship between median and advertising. 30 sec, ads is very effective for audience and I also think we really have to careful to whach and understnad detail rathre than just only serface.