When I was searching in the gender ads I came upon some pretty rediculas ads. I was shocked just seeing the categories genderads has. It sad that we can classify so many bad things in our advertising world. My first example was this Bed Head product called dumb blonde. I find it sad that companies can label their products these negative conotations and figure out that it sells. They have a product and then a picture to accuratly represent the product. What is this really saying for females? 
I went to another section on the genderads and found this under the noramlized woman. It was sad for me to find that this close up ad of this face needs to be displayed as needing all of these different things to be pretty or even normal. She has a stunned or even a dumb face on which does not help the cause for women. Making women and men think tha women to be normal should own all these products and change their appearance to a superficial look. How do we always end up falling for this stuff?

I am asuming that this is a very old advertisment. And that ketsup would not think about putting an advertisment on like this in this day and age. It so degrading to think that they are advertising that women are so helpless that they once upon a time could not even open katsup. Really? I understand that some of the jars, platic, and wrap are not always the easiest to open. But seriously it is not the impossible.

I went to another section on the genderads and found this under the noramlized woman. It was sad for me to find that this close up ad of this face needs to be displayed as needing all of these different things to be pretty or even normal. She has a stunned or even a dumb face on which does not help the cause for women. Making women and men think tha women to be normal should own all these products and change their appearance to a superficial look. How do we always end up falling for this stuff?

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